My puppets are dead

An assortment of deliciousness from The Thomas.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Unfortunately, I have some bad news. Instead of being accepted to Grad School, I was not. The only reason that I could conjecture as a possible explanation was that not all of my admissions materials arrived on time, and the only reason that this could have happened centers around the FAFSA. Anyways, no matter the reason, I am now not soon to be grad school bound. Instead, my plans are now focused on moving to Cambride/Boston to join Chuck. This, of course, is on the condition that we agree to live together again (we had a bit of a disagreement last night.)

So, basically, my life at this moment is in a kind of limbo-state. I have recently had both of the foundations of my life's direction either shattered of shaken, and I don't know what to do about it. I feel that my life is going in a direction that it can't keep. I'll end up crashing hard when it stops momentum. I don't want to crash.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

A year comes and a year goes.

It's almost been a year since my last post, not that anyone reads these silly things or even cares, but I enjoy this time of reflection. So here goes another.

I now work as a temp at the Texas Gas Transmissions Office in Owensboro. "What?" some of you say, "A different job??? What happened to the job with the kiddos?" Well, quite frankly, I was burnt out. Being burnt out alone would not stop me from such fullfilling work, however. I left the job after over a year of dedication mainly because I was being forced into a power struggle with my supervisor. Don't get me wrong, supervisors have all kinds of power over their employees, but some of them get off on having power and "flexing" their power over their subordinates. This is why I said "Good Day, Ma'am." and walked away. I do miss my kids, though.

Being as my current job is less involving as well as less financially sound, I also moonlight as a bartender at a local bar. I really enjoy the work, and I've learned a lot about tending a bar. In short, it's kinda cool - except for the old drunks that fall down and piss all over themselves in the bathroom. Yeah, that's not so fun.

As for love, man am I ever in it. Chuck and I have been going for 5 1/2 years now. That's a long time, isn't it? He's now studying for his MLA (see previous post) at HARVARD!!! I'm dating a genius!!!! How cool is that? He's been really stressed lately what with all the school work and the demands of normal life and all, and I'd be remiss not to say that that has a somewhat negative effect on our conversations, but everything seems to be going well.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

update and such

figured that it has been a while since some of you have heard anything from me, so I decided to give you the low down on what's new in my life. As you may infer from the email address, I am now working with the KY United Methodist Homes for Children and Youth. I was originally working for their emergency shelter programs as a Youth Counselor providing direct care for youth between the ages of 9-17 with some sort of legal or familial problems. Now I am the Case Manager for the Independent Living Program at the Family Services office. My job basically is to catch up with my 16-21 year old clients and make sure that they are progressing on their goals for independent living (money management, cleaning and hygiene, employment, social relations, etc.). So far it has been interesting. I can see already that I like this position better than direct care.

As far as my life outside of work, everything is going ok. Chuck and I are still in Owensboro, KY, after traveling for 3 months in Guatemala. He has recently been accepted to some of the grad schools he applied to for studying Landscape Architecture and looks to start classes in the Fall. I plan on taking the year off from school work and looking into grad programs for College Student Affair, preferrably with an emphasis in Service Learning. For those of you who know my dad, we've recently gotten good news from Vanderbilt. He is now officially on the active liver transplant list and has a chance of getting a liver anytime now. The bad part of it is that this means that his health is going to rapidly deteriorate and he's facing many hospital stays for complications both before and after transplant. I recently was able to meet his liver doctor at Vandy and am quite sure that he is in very capable hands, so that is very promising.